Cyber Citizens should abide by a strict code of conduct based on the rights, privileges and responsibilities of being a member of the cyber world. Obey the law. □ Copyright Infringement: using, selling or distributing products or creations without permission of the copyright owner □ Plagiarism: presenting the words, music, thoughts or ideas of others without giving them credit □ …
Cyber Citizenship Part 5: Civility
Civility is the foundation of civilized society (and not just because of te common derivation of the words). It is how we get along with each other. Civility is treating others with fairness and consideration for their feelings and needs. It is treating others as people worthy of respect and dignity. It is the golden rule: do unto others as …
More Questions (for your teenager) from Steubenville, Ohio
The previous column presented questions to generate a conversation between you and your teenager about issues raised by the rape of a teenage girl in Steubenville, Ohio. The questions continue. Responsibility Whose fault is it when someone is attacked? What if they were saying really insulting things to the person who attacked them? What if they were walking around in …
Questions (for your teenager) from Steubenville, Ohio
“Many of the things we learned during this trial that our children were saying and doing were profane, were ugly . . .[Parents need] to have discussions about how you talk to your friends, how you record things on the social media so prevalent today and how you conduct yourself when drinking is put upon you by your friends.” Judge …
Respect, Consent and Teenage Sex Reflections on the Stuebenville, Ohio Teenage Rape Case
“Many of the things we learned during this trial that our children were saying and doing were profane, were ugly . . .[Parents need] to have discussions about how you talk to your friends, how you record things on the social media so prevalent today and how you conduct yourself when drinking is put upon you by your friends.” Judge …
Fostering Character Development in Teens: Kindness (cont.)
Teach it. Kindness is a combination of several different qualities you can help your kid develop. Here are some worth cultivating. Empathy. Kindness, like other prosocial Character-istics (e.g., Compassion, Generosity), requires understanding of others feelings; viewing things from their perspective. It is important to help your kid “walk a mile in their shoes.” Take the time to talk about how …
Fostering Character Development in Teens: Kindness
def. (noun) benevolent, considerate and helpful Kindness, particularly in the form of altruism, does a person good; so much so that it appears to be hard wired into our system. People who are mean and selfish are likely to be shunned; those who are kind, considerate and helpful are liked and valued. Acts of kindness reduce stress, increase the release …
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