Divine intervention. You came highly recommended from several sources. Same day checked out your website and you had a seminar the next morning. How could I not go? Well I got a lot. And (surprisingly) my ‘currently’ defiant son must have been listening somewhat. Perfect example, today, he came home from school and we had a rather pleasant conversation upon his arrival. A few sentences in, he stopped me and asked, are you practicing the 30-minute rule? … to which I responded apparently not since I’ve already asked you a few questions and you just walked in the door. For me, this was HUGE, just the fact that he referenced the class–he WAS paying attention even though he was there against his will, as I presume most teens are? I guess most parents too? Well, please note that I was there of my own free will and our family needs help (unfortunately, my husband was unable to attend that day, but will be on board 100%). We heard you were the guy and I came to see if I felt you could relate to our family. Resounding YES.  How about selling a CD of the awesome ‘growing up’ songs that you had playing? LOVED!
I wanted to thank you again for allowing some of our staff to attend the parenting 101 seminar last Saturday. Everyone was very impressed with the content and your delivery of the information. I believe that every family we work with could find this seminar educational, useful, and informative. My own children are only 1 and 5, however I learned some strategies that I am sure will be helpful. Thank you for providing this unique service to our families and those throughout the area. We are grateful to share this partnership with you.
Chris Holz
Assistant Director
Williamson County Juvenile Court

Loved the humor that you use when discussing the various topics. I thought it was very good, very informative!

Your style of gestures, current day language and understanding both how parents and kids see things was very engaging.

Your examples and PowerPoint were simple, could realistically be used by parents to communicate with their kids – and with my son present, he soaked in what to expect of themselves when communicating with wth us. The breaks and refreshments were enjoyable and it’s always good to gather round the table of a community of such a diverse folk to break bread – yes, a faith community is a strong rock to develop yourself – thank you for reinforcing that with my son. . . You are who you are and need to stay that way! Great!!

The knowledge of the current problems that our kids face was enlightening. The anticipation of the response of the child to the attempts to correct behavior by re  parents was spot on!! Quite entertaining to see the kids’ faces lite up when he identified with their thought process.  Sat[urday] was a great day.

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