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Family Time Movie Theater: Communication, Creativity and Work Ethic

In The Blog by Dr James Wellborn

Here are some movies that address communication, creativity and work ethic.  And one even includes kites! Mary Poppins (G)  You already know about this Queen of kid movies.  But you may not have paid attention to the lessons that are integrated throughout the movie. There is fun, frolicking, discipline, empathic parenting (or nannying as it were), dancing penguins, carousel horse …

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Family Time Movie Theater: Dissenting Opinions

In The Blog by Dr James Wellborn

Here are some movies that will show your kids how to disagree, and stand up for a principle (and, in one instance, fail dramatically).  It’s a Henry Fonda movie-thon! 12 Angry Men (NR, probably PG) Twelve men enter a jury room to determine the guilt or innocence of a teenage boy accused of murder. Initially, only one juror votes not …

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Preparing Teens for the 21st Century Work Place: Saving Grace

In There's a Stranger in My House by Dr James Wellborn

Timeless universal values represented by an employee’s integrity will serve to distinguish them in an increasingly personal work environment. Curiously (and, maybe tellingly) discussions of important 21st Century work skills do not reference employees integrity (or the morals, ethics, values and character that compose it) as one of those important skills. And yet, without integrity (and a culture of integrity), …

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Cyber Citizenship Part 6: Code of Conduct

In There's a Stranger in My House by Dr James Wellborn

Cyber Citizens should abide by a strict code of conduct based on the rights, privileges and responsibilities of being a member of the cyber world. Obey the law.  □   Copyright Infringement:  using, selling or distributing products or creations without permission of the copyright owner □   Plagiarism:  presenting the words, music, thoughts or ideas of others without giving them credit □   …

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Cyber Citizenship Part 5: Civility

In There's a Stranger in My House by Dr James Wellborn

Civility is the foundation of civilized society (and not just because of te common derivation of the words).  It is how we get along with each other.  Civility is treating others with fairness and consideration for their feelings and needs.  It is treating others as people worthy of respect and dignity.  It is the golden rule:  do unto others as …

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Cyber Citizenship Part 4: Respect

In There's a Stranger in My House by Dr James Wellborn

As citizens of the cyber community, teenagers have a responsibility to be aware of the different aspects of the cyber world (see previous column).  It is also important for them to know about how to keep themselves safe and secure online (see other previous column).  Finally, teenagers have a responsibility as cyber citizens to respect the laws of the online …

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Cyber Citizenship Part 3: Cyber Safety

In There's a Stranger in My House by Dr James Wellborn

The cyber world has risks and dangers just like the real world.  It would not be safe for your kid to walk alone late at night to a high crime neighborhood asking strangers where to pay cash for an expensive video game system.  What if your kid then gave your house key to a stranger who offered to help and …

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More Questions (for your teenager) from Steubenville, Ohio

In There's a Stranger in My House by Dr James Wellborn

The previous column presented questions to generate a conversation between you and your teenager about issues raised by the rape of a teenage girl in Steubenville, Ohio.  The questions continue. Responsibility Whose fault is it when someone is attacked?  What if they were saying really insulting things to the person who attacked them?  What if they were walking around in …