NPI Connection Retreat

In by Dr James Wellborn

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Date(s) - 03/01/2015
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Henry Horton State Park

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Raising Kids in the Age of Social Media

Technology and the internet has profoundly influenced adolescent development.  The pace of change has been so rapid that many parents (and therapists) have been left in the dust.  This presentation will provide therapists with 1) a review of normal adolescent development, 2) the major components of the digital world that influence teenage development and 3) a discussion of the parenting practices that can make the most of (and minimize the problems with) the online world’s influence on 21st century teens.

This presentation will be one of the professional development workshop opportunities presented to therapists at the Nashville Psychotherapy Institute’s annual Connection Retreat held at Henry Horton State Park on February 28-March 1.

Registration required.  Go here to get more information or to register for the retreat.

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