Sexual Assault & Teenagers: An Exercise for Parents and Teens

In The Blog by Dr James Wellborn

This document contains a series of questions and answers parents can use to review important aspects of sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape.  It is intended to be a catalyst for parents to introduce this important topic to their teens and to start a discussion that hopefully will continue past the end of the exercise.  The information in this exercise does not constitute legal or professional advice.

Sexual Assault & Teens Parent Teen exercise

  1. Open this document by clicking on the title or here.  Familiarize yourself with the content to make sure you consider it appropriate for a discussion with your child (It is intended for adolescents ages 13-18 though the discussions of many of the points should be very different for older versus younger teens.)
  2. Sit down with your teen when you have 30 minutes or so and go through the exercise by having your kid give their opinions to each of the prompts followed by a review of the answers that are provided.
  3. As you go through the exercise, take note of areas your kid (and/or you) seem to be confused or uncertain about for later investigation and discussion.
  4. Wrap up and talk about your reactions and what you learned.
  5. Set up a time to meet again to talk about some of the unanswered questions that came up during the exercise.


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