Family Time Movie Theater: Problem Solving, Adaptability & Initiative

In The Blog by Dr James Wellborn

Why not sit down with the kids and watch some movies that demonstrate 21st century work skills?  These movies provide some examples of problem solving, adaptability and initiative.

where-the-red-fern-grows-posterWhere the Red Fern Grows (PG) 

It is a hard life growing up in the back woods.  Billy scrimps and saves to buy a pair of hunting dogs who brighten the lives of everyone.  Great family values.  Highlights the importance of dignity, integrity and hard work.







Startup Kids movie posterThe Startup Kids (PG)
This is a documentary about a group of very young entrepreneurs (in their teens and early twenties).  It is great inspiration as well as an informative view of the amount of work, isolation, persistence, disappointment and failure it takes to make it big.  A very different story from the glamorized view of the “sudden success” of young billionaires.







Other possibilities include:  Gung Ho, Iron Will, The Take, Apollo 13, Everafter, Moneyball, It’s a wonderful life, Erin Brockovich and Alien/Aliens (because Ripley is nothing if not the epitome of initiative)

You can find all kinds of resources including an extensive list of movies that have a point by visiting the resource pages over on my website.


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