Family Time Movie Theater: 13 Reasons Why

In The Blog by Dr James Wellborn

Drama: This video series, based on a best-selling teen novel, is the story of a 17 year old girl who commits suicide and leaves 13 tapes for each of the people who contributed to her decision to commit suicide.  There are 13 episodes, one for each tape.  Everyone is talking about this series; kids because they love it, adults because they hate it.  There is depression, achievement pressure, angst, missed opportunities, substance abuse, parental neglect, risk taking, poor decision making, love, sex, pregnancy scares, loyalty, morality, bullying, sexual harassment, accidental death, rape and, ultimately, suicide.  And it is a really good show.  These things are happening in your kid’s school; not to everyone but kids hear about it, know about it or, unfortunately, have experienced it.  This is a great, indirect way to get conversations going with your kid about the darker side of adolescence.  Unfortunately, it does have the potential to glorify cynicism, despair and even suicide which is why I want you watching this with your kid.  They are going to see it (if they haven’t already).  Go through it together.  You need to have the chance to influence what they take from the story.

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