Stress Management for Teens: Meditation

In There's a Stranger in My House by Dr James Wellborn

When your kid is stressed, when the pressure builds, when there is lots of chaos and disruption in their lives, meditation and relaxation can really help.  Unfortunately, teenagers typically HATE strategies that have them sit quietly and not think; especially when they need it most.  But, some take to simple meditation.  Others like various guided relaxation and meditation practices.  It gives them something to focus on. In this article, Sarah Beach talks about some of the benefits of meditation that included improved performance when students meditate before an exam, improved concentration and, of course, reduced anxiety, stress and depression.

If you are worried about your kid stressing or if you know that your kid is really hard on themselves, encourage them to try meditation or relaxation.  Let’s start with meditation


The simplest form of stress management is meditation.  Here is a quick guide your kid can use to see if it helps.  You must do this at least once daily for at least 2 weeks to begin shutting off your brain and chilling.  Check out this handout.


If this doesn’t work, there are some other techniques you can find on the other blogs in this series by following this link to Stress Management


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